Monday, December 31, 2007

last night of 2007

Uncle Louie and I got the movie "Underdog" to watch with the kids. They like having what we call a sucker party. We get a movie, everyone gets a sucker and we watch the movie together. Happy New Year!!

Christmas Vacation

We don't have many pictures of the kids' Christmas. Before leaving for Rapid City the kids opened gifts early so they'd have time to play with them. (Us adults had fun with them too!)
The kids then spent many days in Rapid City with their mom at Rosa's house. They brought home lots of fun things and good memories. Here the kids are playing with what is called Moon Sand. It's pretty cool stuff and they have lots of fun "in" this stuff!!

School Days

Ashley had a special day at school were family and friends were invited to see the handwriting and stories the students had written. We all were treated with milk and Christmas cookies. Proud of you Ashley and keep up the good work!

I love this and the kids were so excited.....

They went out to play in the snow and decided to make a snowman. Because the snow won't make into a ball they just put a bunch of snow on the sidewalk and made a face in it. They were so happy with what they had made. Because I took the picture days after it was created you can't tell they used raisins and a carrot. Who says a snowman has to be made out of little snowballs?!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just enough snow to have fun in.

No, Uncle Louie did not drop the shovel full of snow on Ashley's head. They were good helpers in getting the sidewalk and driveway cleared. Thanks Ashley and Michael.

Another haircut for Michael...

He's a good sport!
And it gets itchy....The shower felt good!

Visiting the Capital at Christmas time.

So glad we made it to the Capital this year. It looks so pretty and smells so good. The kids had us hiking up to the fourth floor to enjoy the sites from the top too. (Was good for us. :-) )Sorry the pictures aren't in very good order, for I didn't take the time.
Signing our names in the guest book

at the Capital

(Ashley took a picture for us!)

at the Capital...

Decorated large gingerbread snowmen.

They had fun being creative. They seemed to like eating the cookie too. Wasn't too sure if they would like the spice of the gingerbread. Oh, Shelbee liked 'em too; she ate through the plastic bag Ashley kept hers in. She left her cookie on the end table downstairs. Nope, the dog didn't get sick. Shelbee likes Christmas time! (Michaels's is on the left.)

"We" frosted some cookies and look what I let Michael do!

There was some left over frosting and he wanted to stir some water into it.... I let him. It went from bowl to bowl and he didn't spill any of it!

Yum Yum? He liked the sugar and water mixed with a few sprinkles!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

2 so far!!!

For the record, Ashley lost another tooth on the bottom. Picked her up from school on Friday (Nov. 30th) and she had a surprise to show us. It was her tooth; she had pulled it out herself. The tooth fairy came by and made her morning and so all is well.

More kitchen table fun.

Ashley made dessert with her Easy Bake oven a few weeks ago. (Do ya think the date is wrong on the pic?!) Btw, the cakes were good!
Here the kids are decorating some picture albums with glitter glue. (Again, the date is wrong, it was on Thanksgiving day.) It took a good 12 hours for them to dry! They had fun.

Michael knows what he is doing.

While Michael was a Kailey's house he saw that the 4-wheeler needed some work done to it! Tara thought it was pretty cute when he had the bike on top of him. (He has a pretty cute assistant too.)

Fun in the snow.

Neither were sick! and were able to be out in the fresh snow!

Decorating X-mass cookies that Tara made for them.

Thanks for the aprons Aunt Debi, Jeff and Michelle!

Visting Santa at the Mall!

Ashley told Santa she wanted a Barbie or a Polly Pocket....

....and Michael mainly just wanted the candy cane that Santa was handing out!

Michael's birthday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

FINALLY Uncle Louie had the time to scan these pictures!!

Michael had a birthday party at Rosa's on Nov. 3 when he turned 4! He got lots of fun presents. If I remember right, the whole gang went to McDonald's and went to see "The Bee Movie".

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Proud or What?

Ashley brought this paper home from school, signed by her teacher and principle, stating what a good example she's been in her class! I'm wondering on the picture if there's one child from each class room. I'll ask her and let you know!! We are so proud of you Ashley, what a great certificate to receive.