Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A bit chilly outside but perfect for a soccer game!!

Uncle Louie was asked to coach Ashley's team for the Monday night game.
Ashley's a good listner and knows it's serious! ;-)

Looking over at what Michael is doing and I find him helping the other coach with warm-ups and discussing something with the referee!

Michael looks on as I know he wants to play on a team too someday....that's what he tells me at every game.

Michael's learning the rules about the soccer field. No crossing the white line!!

Ever hear of soap-on-a-rope? Well, here's soccer-ball-on-a-rope! Michael has made a friend with a sister to one of Ashley's teammates.

Big news on April 19th!

Uncle Louie took Ashley, Michael and their bikes down to the park that Saturday. It was decided that Ashley should try to ride her bike without the training wheels. And she did it!! Because we live on a hill, the flat land at the park helped both of them--Uncle Louie did a lot of running beside her! Iwas so bummed that I didn't have our camera. Hopefully, next time I'll get a chance to snap a few pictures of her. For safety reasons, we put the wheels back on while she rides around home. We were all so proud of her! Way to go Ashley!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13th!! :-) What a fun way to spend the day!

We had the pool to ourselves.... ALL afternoon!

Tara was a good sport while I took pictures. Thanks, Tara.
(Michael did have a little rash under his checks after swimming and I can see why from this picture! Sorry, big guy.)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

He's pretty darn good!

The city that Mike built~

Michael was pretty proud of what he had made out of his legos, he thought they looked like buildings.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

./` Let's Go Fly a Kite ./`

Ryan took Michael out one afternoon to fly the kite Michael got from his mom. Umm, the date should be April 9th!! :-)
Finally, Ryan took it to the roof and got it to fly! Michael had fun watching it and hopefully he can fly it next time.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ashley's first soccer game!

~playing soccer~

They won their first game!!

Once again, the date is wrong (keep forgetting to change it) it should read April 7th,2008. You can see that Ashley's head is in the game!!

Look how "in-step" these two are!
Ashley worked hard.

It was a chilly day, but Kailey wouldn't have missed it for anything!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring = Soccer!!

You don't live in Uncle Louie's home and not play soccer!
After signing her up, he ran out and bought her pink shin guards and a blue ball.
These are pictures from practice...
(the date should read April 5th, 2008)
...and here's what Michael did while Ashley learned the game of soccer!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Report card time

This might seem like a crazy way to post this, but hopefully Mom and Dad can make sense to it and see that Ashley is doing a good job in school. (The date is wrong of course on the picture! We got this report about a week ago--end of March.)

some more bragging!!

Ashley got caught "red-handed" AGAIN!! Way to be obedient, Ashley!
I see the dates are wrong on the pictures--it should read 4-4-08.
Ashley came home with this poster excited, for it meant she knew the address and phone number by heart. Good job, Ashley.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ashley's Spring Concert.

You did such a good job, Ashley, and you looked so pretty. We all sure enjoyed the Zesto treat with you afterwards!

another video of Spring concert

Cousins visiting from Colorado during Spring Break. Thanks for coming!!

Listening to music and thinking some would fall asleep...nope...too much to talk about :-)
Aunt Debi getting ready to leave for home. Uncle Rory stopped by to see her off.

Watching the indoor rodeo!! (waiting for supper to cook ;-)

Starring MICHAEL and he stayed on for 8 seconds!!

Helping Debi in the kitchen

Ashley and Michael, remember Kelli's idea on how to chop an onion? It was a good one and I think it worked! Smart Kelli!Fun with face paint!! Thanks girls!

....more memories with the cousins....

Kelli, Michelle and Michael are in his room putting the train set together. Looks like the dog's leash is upsetting something!!

Exercising together...
...and having fun putting on make-up. Interesting, huh, Michael!?