Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Princess Ashley and Sir Michael

After a quick picture with Uncle Rory, we are off and running!
Aren't they cute!! We kept telling Sir Michael to be sure and protect Princess Ashley!

It was fun night, the weather was good and they got lots of goodies.

The gathering of Sugar!!

Michael on the run!

A princess getting in her carriage!

Sir Michael kicking back and enjoying himself.

Remember the pictures of YOU wearing the HUNNY costume, Ashley? Thanks for letting Kailey use it.

Thanks, Uncle Rory, for the Trick or Treat bags; we had fun filling them up!

Friday, October 26, 2007

A surprise in the mail!

The kids loved EVERYTHING! Thank you so much and Happy Halloween to you too! We love you!

Monday, October 22, 2007

She may be a basketball star someday!

The YMCA has a short basketball "camp" for kindergarten kids. They go to different stations and learn about the game of basketball. (hopefully :-) ) It's on Monday nights and lasts for 3 weeks.

Uncle Louie volunteered his time to the cause. He enjoys teaching kids this age.

The social time is nice too! Love your pink ball, Ashley.

Proud of you Ashley. You did a good job listening to the teachers and tried your best. Keep up the good work!

Here's a fan of Ashley's. He was a good boy while we were in the gym. He hopes to play soon!

Her tooth is out!!

It happened! She was in bed wiggling it away when suddenly she knew she wanted it out, so with just a little jerk, out it came!

We got Michael out of bed so he could share in the special time. Pretty exciting for both of them.

The next morning she found her treasures from the toothfairy. Before leaving for school, she tucked her treasure into her backpack and left with Uncle Louie. She mentioned, NOW at school, she'll get HER name on the tooth chart!

Ashley's new hair cut

Ashley got her hair cut shorter on the sides because it's hard for her to keep her hair behind her ears when she eats. Now, no more tears in the morning when she brushes her hair!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ashley has library on Wed. at school and so...

We all enjoy the books she brings home to read.

Decorating our pumpkins!

Painting the shed this summer.

I've been trying so hard to get this on the blog and I think it might have worked!! Here the kids are painting the shed in the backyard. Uncle Louie asked them if they wanted to help; I about fell over! Thanks, Lou, for letting them "help"! They were good workers!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Back to fire fighting!!

I didn't think I could get this video on the blog, but to my surprise it is. So here's Michael with the "live" fire hose!

Beautiful fall day!

They got their pumpkins picked out and are pretty proud to own them!! so cute

Michael Loves Books

We (Michael and Roxann) went to the library for Story Time. It's on Tues. & Wed. mornings. He was a bit shy going into the room with the other 12 kids but I went with him and he and I sat and listened to Pat read us stories. After that half hour we went and pick out some books to take home. Here he is in his room listening to a book on tape. I think he's going to like going to Story Time and someday I may find him going in alone, until then.... I'll be joining him. :-)

Learning about fire safety.

Michael might want to be a fireman when he gets big!

Uncle Louie took them to the fire station's open house. They were good listeners!

They got a ride on the truck, took home a bag of goodies, Michael got to hold the "live" fire hose and they enjoyed the juice and cookies too!

Time with Dad...

Michael and Ashley played computer games with Dad. By Ashley's expression you can see there were tense moments in the game!

Hugs with Dad.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Enjoying the YMCA

You two are good little swimmers. Michael, you went on the BIG slide with Daddy! And Ashley, you are very good at going all the way under the water and can swim fast. Kailey liked watching you!

Fun with Kailey.

Ashley's necklace.

Ashley wanted a picture of the necklace she made that spelled her name. It's pretty Ashley!

Michael and Ashley...these pictures are for you to remember the week we painted the house.

Many times you were Ryan's good helpers.
It's pretty high, isn't it Michael!

While Ashley is in school...

... Michael and I enjoy working in his "school "book. He is a smart little boy.

Splish Slash...let's take a bath!